Monday, January 14, 2013

Kuv Phauj, Mus Zoo Koj Mog...

Hi dolls.  I mentioned that I had a funeral to attend to this weekend.  My husband's aunt passed away recently, and this is really the first time that I have lost someone close to meThere are no words to say sometimes, when we lose someone that we love so much.

I feel so privileged, to have met her and to have been a part of her family.  Her love, wisdom and beauty will forever be missed.
My personal message to her, sent from my heart to the heavens-wherever she may be, written in Hmong:

Kuv phauj, txij li tau kuv los rau koj tsev neeg, kuv pom koj yeej fai koj txoj kev hlub dawb huv los rau kuv thaib kuv tus menyuam. Kuv los txog ntawm koj tsev los koj yeej hu kuv lub npe. Kuv tsis muaj dab tsis los koj yeej nhriav. Lub siab seev yees, kuv yuaj tsis hno koj lub suab hu kuv ib zaug ntxiv lis lawm. Lub kua muag ntws tsis txawj tas, tsis xav cais koj mus li, mog. Zoo siab hais tias tiam neej no, kuv hos tau los ua koj ib tub nyab thiab koj hos los ua kuv ib tus phauj zoo. Peb yuav nco koj mus tas ib sis. Mus zoo koj mog...

Sau npe, 
Nyab X. 



  1. My condolences to you and your husband. Death is so hard. :( There really are no words sometimes. From your description she sounded like a wonderful person. Hugs.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, she was a beautiful person and we miss her dearly.
